An info source for relief society activities, as well as other fun groups and get-togethers! Good news, helpful tips, and current events in the neighborhood are welcome too!
If you would like to be added to the authors list, just shoot me a message (see 'meganis' link on the right)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A reminder: WARD CHOIR

Our WARD CHOIR has begun meeting again and needs your voice! Show some support and come for  practices @ 11am on Sundays-- Location is in the primary room (upstairs north end) of our good old Stake Center down the street. Please come and help prepare for Holiday programs, and uplift your spirit with some beautiful music!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just so you know...

Our Rock Star Relief Society President had a birthday yesterday and will be celebrating all weekend long! So be sure to drop her a line!! We love you Janet!

Monday, October 25, 2010

playgroup for oct 26

Playgroup this week will be at the Boys and Girls club if the weather is fine. If it's rainy, we'll cancel and hope for better weather next week! I know our nice days are extremely limited, so I hope we can take advantage of sunny weather as long as possible. The rumors that our church would be ready to move into next month have not come true either, so we'll be looking at alternate options for playgroup this winter. I've had a few offers to do playgroup at people's houses, but if there are any other brave souls who would like to volunteer their homes, please let me know! Also, if you have good idea for traveling for playgroup, let me know about that too. See you all tomorrow!


Playgroup Schedule for October--Playgroup is on Tuesday at 11:00 am and runs about and hour. In case of inclement weather, alternate arrangements or cancellations will be announced by email.

26: Boys and Girls Club (150 N 1080 E)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Madison Mecum

For those of you who haven't heard of this terrible tragedy, a young girl was killed by a teen driver just this past week She was a student of a member of our ward, and we have learned that her family is in need--an article is here I believe there is an account set up at Zion's Bank if anyone wishes to make a donation.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Festival!

Please come!! This Saturday from 10-1 @ Memorial Park

There will be:

-Chili and Cornbread
-Fun games and activities and PRIZES
-cool people in your ward! 

So make some time in your busy schedules to enjoy the season! Also, if you signed up to bring something, be sure to remember and have it there at 10! Thanks----Activities Committee

Playgroup for October 12

Playgroup this week is going to be at Joaquin Park (400 N 400 E). Bring your lunch if you want and lots of good conversation to share. Again, please be mindful of the health of your family. If you have been sick in the last few days or think you might be getting sick, please be considerate of others and refrain from bringing your kids to playgroup this week. We've all heard of the people in our ward who have gotten this nasty stomach bug, and we don't want to perpetuate if we can. Thank you for your consideration.See you all tomorrow!


Playgroup Schedule for October--Playgroup is on Tuesday at 11:00 am and runs about and hour. In case of inclement weather, alternate arrangements or cancellations will be announced by email.
12: Joaquin Park (400 N 400 E)
19: Harmon Park (850 E 150 S)
26: Boys and Girls Club (150 N 1080 E)