An info source for relief society activities, as well as other fun groups and get-togethers! Good news, helpful tips, and current events in the neighborhood are welcome too!
If you would like to be added to the authors list, just shoot me a message (see 'meganis' link on the right)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Walk/Jog Activity

Starting Saturday April 16th, 2011 (this Saturday) at 8:30 AM we will be meeting at the Memorial Park Globe for Walking and Jogging Groups. Feel free to walk around the park, jog with a few different group leaders, whatever your ability come join us! It is for the entire ward, so please invite your friends and neighbors. Hope to see you all there!


  1. sounds awesome! I'll see if i can get Max up in time!

  2. Will this be an ongoing thing? I would love to join but until the end of May, my Saturday mornings are taken up by my team runs.
